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How to choose and use nipple cream during breastfeeding

Sore nipples? You’re not alone! In fact, nipple pain and discomfort is one of the primary reasons breastfeeding mothers seek help. We’re taking a look at the causes of nipple pain, what’s considered ‘normal’ (and what isn’t) and the different things you can try to eliminate discomfort and enjoy pain-free feeding.

Ouch! What causes sore nipples?

A very large proportion of new breastfeeding mothers report some level of discomfort when learning how to feed their bub. This makes sense. Your nipples have never had a hungry newborn attached to them for hours at a time and the adjustment can take some getting used to. The Australian Breastfeeding Association reports that “many mums feel some nipple tenderness, discomfort or pain when their baby first attaches [to the breast].” This is usually due to bubs attachment or latch. When latched incorrectly your nipple will get squashed or compressed as it is pushed up against the roof of the baby's mouth. This causes discomfort, pain and, if not rectified, nipple damage. None of which are enjoyable! A correct latch on the other hand should be pretty much pain free. You may experience a pulling or tugging sensation and/or the tingles of a letdown but there won’t be actual pain.

A good latch will have baby taking a big mouthful of breast tissue meaning that your actual nipple bypasses the tongue and roof of the mouth and comes to rest towards the back of bubs throat and the soft palate at the roof of the mouth. Being in this position means no compressing, squashing or rubbing and leads to a comfortable feed.

A Good Latch Diagram

Many mums may find that they experience some initial discomfort (but not acute pain) in the very early days or breastfeeding and at the very beginning of a feed but that the discomfort eases fairly quickly. In these instances, the nipple will not look or seem damaged or misshapen. For other women, some pain may occur and they will likely notice that their nipple seems different after a feed. It may looked squashed, red or have a white stripe running down it where the baby has compressed it with their mouth. In some extreme cases, the nipple may be cracked or blistered.

If this is occurring, it is super important that you seek support from a qualified breastfeeding expert to assess why this may be happening and to work out the best way to fix the issue so that you can feed comfortably and without pain.

When should I use a nipple cream?

A specifically designed nipple cream or ointment can be handy to have on hand when you’re first learning to breastfeed and your nipples are feeling a bit tender. Products like Lanisoh Nipple Cream, Mère Botanicals Nipple Cream and Weleda Nipple Care Cream are designed to soothe and heal sore nipples while you continue to learn how to latch baby comfortably and feed without pain. Formulated with mum and baby safe ingredients like soothing lanolin and natural botanicals, these creams can be used after a feed to help relieve any discomfort and in some instances can prevent cracks from forming.

How do I use a nipple cream?

It is generally recommended that you apply your chosen ointment or cream to dry nipples after a feed. Most mums will find a pea size amount enough to gently massage in to each nipple. Some products, including Mère Botanicals and  Lanisoh do not need to be removed prior to feeding baby which is super handy when you’ve got a cluster feeding bubba who wants to be back on the boob immediately.

Healing sore nipples

The best and most effective way to heal sore nipples is to prevent them from happening in the first place! We know this is easier said than done in many instances though! If you’re experiencing some nipple pain and have sought support and advice to work out the cause, products like Lactivate® Silver Nursing Cups can be incredibly handy in helping to soothe and heal sore damaged nipples. Made from sterling silver and worn between feeds, Lactivate® Silver Nursing Cups create an antimicrobial environment to help damaged nipples repair naturally. Paired with your choice of nipple balm or cream, they can help you return to pain-free feeding, faster.

Featured Product

This group of hero products in our Breastfeeding Game Changers Bundle are our game-changing tools designed to make breastfeeding more comfortable, easier and more convenient for mamas on every journey. Once you have finished pumping with our Haakaa Breast Pump & Cap Combo you can then use the Haakaa Breastmilk Storage bags to store your liquid gold. Using the Lactivate Silver Nursing Cup, Lactivate Breast Heat & Ice Pack and LaVie Lactation Massager to help aid in a more comfortable breastfeeding experience.

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