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Drink Up: How Hydration Can Fuel Your Pregnancy and Milk Production

We all know how important hydration is for keeping our bodies functioning but what about during pregnancy and while you are breastfeeding? Do our hydration needs change? And how can we best ensure we are keeping ourselves well hydrated when juggling things like morning sickness and all things #busymumlife? Read on to find out..

Why is hydration so important?

We all know that drinking water is good for us but what exactly does hydration do for our body? According to Heart.Org, drinking enough water ensures we are well hydrated which “helps the heart more easily pump blood through the body. It also helps muscles work efficiently. If you’re well hydrated, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard.” Yep, pretty important! When we become dehydrated, even mildly, it impacts the way our body functions and makes it much harder to perform at optimal levels.

Hydration and pregnancy

Just like in normal, non-pregnant life, staying well hydrated is important during pregnancy. Your hydration needs increase slightly during pregnancy as your body changes and baby grows. Water helps form the amniotic fluid encasing your bub, helps with the circulation of nutrients and works with your body to remove waste. Experts generally recommend that you try and drink between 2-3 litres of water per day which might seem like a lot, but across 12+ hours, works out at around a cup each hour.

Hydration and pregnancy sickness

While we know we should be drinking plenty of water during pregnancy, the reality is not always as easy. If you’re suffering from pregnancy sickness or something like hyperemesis gravidarum, drinking any fluid at all can be a real struggle. If you’ve got an upset tummy and are struggling to hold down fluids, little and often is one of the best ways to try and ensure some fluids are going in while minimising the chances of vomiting. Little sips, regularly can generally be tolerated and can help keep your hydration levels stable. If you can stomach it, adding pregnancy safe electrolytes to your water can also help boost hydration levels. And if plain water is a struggle, adding a small amount of cordial or even fruit juice can sometimes be tolerated a little better. You may need to try a few different things to see what works best. If you become concerned about your hydration levels due to sickness and/or vomiting, it’s always best to speak with your midwife or Obstetrician.

Hydration and milk supply

There is nothing quite like breastfeeding thirst and with good reason! Making milk requires our body to use a lot of extra fluid meaning we often feel extra thirsty when breastfeeding. Many mums will also experience an intense thirst when their milk lets down. This is due to the release of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. Ensuring that you are drinking 2-3 litres of water a day will help prevent dehydration and also ensure that you maintain your supply. Becoming dehydrated can negatively impact your supply as your body struggles to try and keep your body functioning AND make milk. Doing your best to stay as hydrated as possible will have the double benefit of helping you feel good AND supporting a healthy milk supply. Win win!

What to do if you feel dehydrated

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we start feeling a little bit dehydrated. Your mouth and lips may feel especially dry. You feel extra thirsty and might have a bit of a headache. Your pee may be darker in colour. The best solution? Hydrate as soon as possible! In its early stages, dehydration can be quickly reversed by upping your water intake. You can also add electrolytes to your water to help boost hydration levels even further. Electrolyte tablets or powders are made up of the essential minerals sodium, calcium and potassium and help replace and/or restore levels back to optimum.

Top tips for staying hydrated during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Prevention is always the best way when it comes to staying hydrated and avoiding dehydration. When you’re pregnant and/or a busy mum, it can sometimes be tricky to ensure you’re drinking enough. Here’s some of our tried and tested top tips for staying on top of the hydration game.

  • Carry a water bottle with you everywhere. In your bag, in the car, at the dining table, in your bedroom.. Wherever you are, try and make sure you’ve got your water bottle. Bonus points if it’s on the larger side as you can fill up once and get close to 800-1 litre + in quickly and relatively easily.

  • ALWAYS have a drink with you when you sit down to breastfeed. Whether it's the aforementioned drink bottle or a glass of water, making sure you have a drink to hand will mean a much less thirsty breastfeeding experience! It’s also likely that you’ll be seated, feeding for at least 10 minutes which is a great chance to get a decent glug of water in.

  • Have a glass of water with every meal, even if you’re on the run or having a coffee or other drink. If you’re grabbing a sandwich or sitting down with a meal, make sure you’ve got water with you. Meeting a friend for coffee? Grab a bottle of water for the table and try and have at least a glass while you’re enjoying your cappuccino.

  • Have a few sips/ a glass/ a bottle when you wake up. After 6-8 hours of snooze time, our bodies are generally on the more dehydrated side of things when we wake up for the day. Before you make a coffee or grab a cuppa, try and have a big drink of water. No, it doesn’t contain caffeine but it’ll help boost hydration levels instantly and leave you feeling a lot less thirsty.

Featured Product

When you’re growing, birthing or nursing a bubba, it’s vital to stay hydrated! And we’ve got you covered with our Lactation Tea, a tasty Lactation Hot Chocolate Mix, and Hydration Powders in yummy Blood Orange or Mixed Berry flavours . Our hydration essentials help keep you refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the day. Supporting milk supply, replenishing lost fluids, and keeping you feeling your best!

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