It sometimes seems like pregnancy and birth bring a never-ending parade of 'special' extras. Be it a change in skin tone or a shift in hormones, pregnancy and the postpartum period can be a wild time to navigate. One of the changes often noticed by new mums is postpartum hair loss, AKA the shedding of those luscious pregnancy locks.
Let's take a look at why it happens and how to manage (and minimise) it.
Why am I losing handfuls of hair?
A glorious head of hair is a common occurrence in pregnancy, largely thanks to your hormones. A rise in oestrogen means that hair stays in the growth phase (and on your head!) for longer. This means thicker, fuller hair that looks super healthy and shiny. Unfortunately, that same hormone is also responsible for postpartum hair loss. As your oestrogen levels drop, so does your hair leading to a shedding of that extra growth. Don't worry, you're not alone! It's reported that up to 90% of women experience some form of postpartum hair loss. Typically, post-pregnancy hair loss will start around 2 to 4 months after birth and continue for up to 6 months. Your hair should be back to your pre-pregnancy normal by the time your little one reaches their first birthday.
What are the main signs of postpartum hair loss?
Apart from the (very obvious) large clog of hair clogging the drain in the shower, how else can you tell that you are experiencing post-pregnancy hair loss? Generally, you'll start to notice strands of hair well, everywhere. On your pillowcase, in your clothes, on the couch where you rest your head. You may also notice shorter, wispier strands around your face and hair parting. If/when you style your hair, it may seem thinner with less volume. All of these signs of postpartum hair loss are completely normal and a result of your shifting hormones.
Hair loss and breastfeeding
The good news? Breastfeeding doesn't directly cause hair loss (hooray!) The less-good news, breastfeeding CAN cause some pretty wild hormone fluctuations which can have a knock-on impact on your hair. Add in a hefty dose of sleep deprivation and it's no wonder some women find that their bodies (and hair!) are struggling. Ensuring that you are eating enough nutrient-dense food, staying hydrated, and managing stress can go a long way in supporting your hormones to regulate.
How do I treat postpartum hair loss?
So, how do you treat postpartum hair loss? As with so many things related to our health, managing hair loss is an inside job. Ensuring that you are eating a nutrient-rich, varied diet with plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats (especially Omega-3s), staying well-hydrated, and getting enough sleep will be the cornerstones in postpartum recovery. You can continue taking your prenatal vitamin for an added boost. Experts also suggest treating your hair as gently as possible by avoiding harsh treatments like bleach, minimising heat styling, and steering clear of overly tight hairstyles. There is some evidence to support the use of scalp and hair products containing collagen, keratin, and biotin and integrating volumising shampoo and conditioner into your hair care routine. When using topical products, try and focus on really massaging (gently) into the scalp to nourish and support the hair follicle.
I'm concerned about my hair loss, what should I do?
If you're concerned about the amount of hair you're losing or how long it's been happening, speaking to your GP is a great first step. While hormonal postpartum hair loss is normal, some other health conditions can be behind it. The auto-immune condition Alopecia, anemia, thyroid disorders, and PCOS can all cause hair loss so if you are concerned with what is happening on your scalp, your best bet is to see your GP. They may refer you to a specialist like a Dermatologist or a Trichologist who can work with you to get to the root cause of your hair loss concerns.
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