Welcome back to our 'Milkbar Mamas' series where we speak to women all over Australia about how breastfeeding unfolded for them because nothing #normalisesbreastfeeding more than writing, speaking and sharing all things boobin' related.
From first time mamas to exclusive pumpers, those battling over and under supply, tongue ties, mastitis and everything in between, we are SO excited to share their words and experiences with you. We hope these stories will inspire, give you some tips for your own breastfeeding experience and help those walking a similar path to feel less alone.
In this Milkbar Mama I chat with Marizela about her experience and preparation for breastfeeding for the first time.
Tell us a little about yourself.How would you summarize your breastfeeding journey so far?
My breastfeeding journey is beyond great! Baby Lara knew what she is doing from day one, and I was just listening to her. I had pains a bit, maybe first 3 days, but after that was just a dream. My flow was great, so my baby gain some good weight fast.
What surprised you most about breastfeeding?
I was quite surprised how naturally everything goes. How my breast have more than enough for her, and still always make more milk on time. I did not know that other boob also search for attention haha so I needed to have a breast pad on it!
What did you do to prepare yourself for breastfeeding?
Maybe it's funny but I did nothing to prepare myself for breastfeeding. They explained me in hospital what to expect and I was just hoping for the best. I did not panic at all, and just wanted to let the things happen. I was aware some moms do not have successful stories, so I just let it be.
If you were to ever breastfeed another child, would you do anything differently?
If I have other child, I would do just the same. Beyond satisfied!
Do you have a goal in mind when it comes to breastfeeding? Do you aim to get to say 12 months or 2 years, or play it by ear and wean when your daughter is ready?
At first I thought I will breastfeed just up to 6 months. Such a lie haha! I got addicted so much with her cute face while she eats that I don't wanna stop. Most likely I will breastfeed till she is one years old, because then she can eat proper food and no need for booby anymore! :) Hopefully!
What was the most valuable source of knowledge that helped and supported you on your feeding journey so far?
The most valued source were midwifes for sure. My baby was born pretty small so she needed to gain weight properly, so midwifes gave me the best support to listen my baby. There is nothing such as too much milk for baby!
What would be your number 1 tip / words of wisdom for other breastfeeding mamas / mamas-to-be?
The best tip is just to let the things happen and to be open for formula too. My baby also loves formula and there is nothing wrong with that.
Thank you, Marizela!
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